- What do the 'All Active Deals' and 'Filtered Total' mean?
- Is there any way to do a search to find duplicate deals?
- Can I change or add colors to Deal Status?
- How do I set a commission rate?
- How can I see when a deal stage changed?
- What does the orange ! mean?
- Who can change actual close date?
- Can I create Deal tags?
- How do I add a collaborator to a deal?
- We have another sales division. Can we run multiple divisions (with individual reporting) within one PipelineDeals account?
- How is the weighted forecast field calculated?
- Is there a way to report on all deals closing in a certain month?
- Can I set a different commission rate for different deals?
- How do I edit a deal's Actual Close date?
- How do I list deals by most recent activity?
- Why do I not see the option to merge?
- Why is my delete button gray?
- Can you share multiple deals with users using bulk action on the Deals tab list view?